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BIM One Q&A with Vicky Tremblay, Customer Experience Director: Gainsight Eight Week Implementation

Sharon Bok

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

BIM One provides strategic, operational, and technical consulting services in the AECO industry. The company also offers BIM Track®, which is a collaboration platform that empowers teams with better coordination workflows and a central hub for all coordination information from design to construction.

nCloud Integrators assisted BIM One with their Gainsight implementation, and the company was able to go live with Gainsight’s industry-leading customer success platform in eight weeks. Vicky Tremblay, Customer Experience Director with BIM One, discusses this process and provides guidance for others looking to go down this path.

Q&A with Vicky Tremblay

Customer Experience Director, BIM One

What were your business objectives that drove you to look for a customer success platform?

BIM One is a quickly growing company that went from being a start-up about two years ago, to having more than 100 employees today. We were using a Customer Success (CS) tool that went bankrupt, so we lost everything in five days. Our main objective was to find a new CS solution to measure our performance in a way that could scale with our growth. I researched 30 different platforms in the industry. Because of our first experience, we wanted a platform supported by a strong, established company, so we decided to go with the Cadillac CS tool in the industry, Gainsight.

What is unique about your Gainsight implementation?

BIM One’s data structure is different from many other companies. Because of this, we needed a way to make data-driven decisions by understanding how our customers were using our solutions. The answer was Gainsight PX. We implemented PX first, because we needed to tag and pull the data in the correct way as a first step.

How are you using automation to make your organization more efficient?

During our implementation with nCloud Integrators, we put five Calls to Action (CTAs) into place to assist with the automation of our processes. Some of these assists with our onboarding process, and others we use to track license utilization and health scores.

Our next step around automation is to look at building success plans and tracking metrics around the onboarding process. We are continuing our relationship with nCloud Integrators and will work with its Expert Services team to help us with this process.

How is measuring customer health making your company more efficient?

We need to make sure our customers are using our platform, and if they are not, our CSMs and account managers need to step in and assist with technical information and training. A low utilization health score is a big red flag for us and being able to track this easily for each customer is vital to our business.

In your opinion, what was the biggest advantage of using nCloud to help with your implementation?

nCloud’s Accelerate Program was great because it takes you step-by-step through the process. Gainsight is such a big platform that you can get lost in the functionality. nCloud’s team kept me focused and guided me to start with the most important aspects and then build out from that point. Because of this, we were able to start quickly with Gainsight in an efficient way.

Did nCloud help you overcome any difficult hurdles?

nCloud Integrators assisted me with a lot of hurdles because it was just me working alone on the implementation. They guided me on the implementation and scope, gave me best practices and answered all my questions. If they didn’t have an answer, they researched and got back to me with a solution.

Since implementation, how has Gainsight made your company more efficient?

A year ago, I had six CSMs, and now that number is three. I am confident with the new system that these CSMs will be able to effectively support our customer base.

Also, we have multiple teams interacting with the same customer, so it is great to have a dashboard where you can see the customer’s metrics and the timeline that shows the customer communications right at your fingertips. This will make this collaborative work so much more efficient. Do you have any helpful tips for other companies looking to implement Gainsight?

Start small. Make sure everything is working well and build on it. You need to be specific with the scope and what will be the most important features to have at go-live. This was nCloud’s advice, and it helped us stay on schedule. Our system went live in eight weeks, is being used today by our customer-facing teams, and now we can continue to build based on user feedback.


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